#include <cester.h>
This structure manages the BEFORE and AFTER functions for the test main test_instance. And also accounts for all the registered test cases. This is for Cester internal use only.
CesterArray* super_test_instance::captured_streams |
all the file stream captured for testing by cester. For internal use only.
char* super_test_instance::captured_streams_tmp_folder |
The folder to store temporary file for captured streams. For internal use only.
TestType super_test_instance::current_cester_function_type |
The current cester funtion type, this enable cester to properly track memory allocation in non test case functions. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::current_execution_status |
the current test case status. This is used when the test cases run on a single process. For internal use only.
TestCase* super_test_instance::current_test_case |
The currently running test case. For internal use only.
char* super_test_instance::flattened_cmd_argv |
Flattened command line argument for sub process. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::format_test_name |
Format the test name for fine output e.g. 'test_file_exit' becomes 'test file exist'. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::isolate_tests |
Isolate each test case to run in different process to prevent a crashing test case from crahsing others. For internal use only.
char* super_test_instance::main_execution_output |
The main test execution output in string. For internal use only. .
CesterArray* super_test_instance::mem_alloc_manager |
the array of allocated memory. For testing and detecting memory leaks. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::mem_test_active |
Enable or disable memory test at runtime. Enabled by default. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::no_color |
Do not print to the console with color if one. For internal use only.
char* super_test_instance::output_format |
The output format to print the test result in. For internal use only.
FILE* super_test_instance::output_stream |
Output stream to write message to, stdout by default. For internal use only.
FILE super_test_instance::output_stream_address |
Output stream address. incase the output stream was captured in test it state can be reset. For internal use only.
char* super_test_instance::output_stream_str |
The string value of the output stream pointer. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::print_error_only |
if false or 0 prints all t assertion evaluation result, default is 1/true
unsigned super_test_instance::print_version |
prints cester version before running tests
CesterArray* super_test_instance::registered_test_cases |
all the manually registered test cases in the instance. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::report_failure_regardless |
If the value is set to 1 the test will be mark as failure even if it passes. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::report_success_regardless |
If the value is set to 1 the test will be mark as success even if it fails. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::selected_test_cases_found |
the number of selected test casses from command line that is found in the test file. For internal use only.
char** super_test_instance::selected_test_cases_names |
selected test cases from command line. For internal use only. e.g. –cester-test=Test2,Test1
unsigned super_test_instance::selected_test_cases_size |
the number of selected test casses from command line. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::single_output_only |
display the output for a single test only no summary and syntesis. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::skipped_test_count |
The number of test cases to be skipped. For internal use only.
double super_test_instance::start_tic |
The unix time when the tests starts. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::stream_capture_active |
Enable or disable memory test at runtime. Enabled by default. For internal use only.
char* super_test_instance::test_file_path |
The main test file full path. For internal use only.
TestInstance* super_test_instance::test_instance |
The test instance for sharing datas. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::todo_tests_count |
The number of test cases that would be implemented in future. For internal use only.
unsigned super_test_instance::total_failed_tests_count |
the total number of tests that failed. To use in your code call CESTER_TOTAL_FAILED_TESTS_COUNT
unsigned super_test_instance::total_passed_tests_count |
the total number of tests that passed. To use in your code call CESTER_TOTAL_FAILED_TESTS_COUNT
unsigned super_test_instance::total_test_errors_count |
the total number of errors that occurs. To use in your code call CESTER_TOTAL_TEST_ERRORS_COUNT
unsigned super_test_instance::total_tests_count |
the total number of tests to run, assert, eval e.t.c. To use in your code call CESTER_TOTAL_TESTS_COUNT
unsigned super_test_instance::total_tests_ran |
the total number of tests that was run e.t.c. To use in your code call CESTER_TOTAL_TESTS_RAN
unsigned super_test_instance::verbose_level |
the level of cester verbosity for how much information is printed in the terminal